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Home / Videos / Webinars / Building Bridges with Law Enforcement Webinar

Building Bridges with Law Enforcement Webinar


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Presented in partnership with e-BodyGuard ( Domestic violence situations are among the most complicated and at times dangerous 911 calls that law enforcement officers answer. The history and relationship of the people involved can be quite complex. These types of cases are often he said / she said issues. Beyond ensuring the safety of everyone on the scene, and helping those in need, they must first assess the situation and determine if a crime has been committed. Was a crime committed or not? Do they make an arrest on the scene or not? Is there enough evidence to prove probable cause for an arrest? Law Enforcement officers enforce the law and use their training, their skills, and any technology available to securely collect and transmit evidence to support probable cause for arrest on criminal charges, at the time of the occurrence. The ability for the law enforcement to collect viable, useful evidence can enable swift due process, and improved safety for everyone involved. The panelists will discuss the perspectives of: • Law enforcement • Prosecution • PSAP/911 • Victims and victim advocacy Each person involved in the criminal justice workflow, from the community to the courts, will benefit from hearing each branch’s perspective. As they discuss their workflow once a domestic violence case is processed from the moment law enforcement is engaged, the required elements will be unveiled, helping move the case forward through the investigation process. Each will discuss the challenges of evidence collection and lack of evidence/discovery, transmission, and storage, the complexities, and where they see opportunities to enable swift due process in the event of a crime. This education will provide advocates and survivors further understanding why the criminal justice system needs to be transformed so discovery and evidence collection at the very origination of the crime can support the victims of domestic violence. © 2022 by eBodyGuard. All rights reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted. eBodyGuard© and all eBodyGuard products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of eBodyGuard Corp.

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