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Home / Videos / Webinars / "Just Record It!" The Rights and Wrongs of Stalking and Domestic Violence Documentation

"Just Record It!" The Rights and Wrongs of Stalking and Domestic Violence Documentation


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8 OUT OF 10 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CASES ARE DISMISSED DUE TO A LACK OF EVIDENCE AND VICTIMS BEING TOO SCARED TO TESTIFY According to a 2017 Prosecutor's Report, Attorneys and well-intending people tell victims to “DOCUMENT EVERYTHING” but not everything is admissible as evidence. In fact, most of what is collected and documented does not meet the criteria as evidence and won’t be allowed in court. With a deluge of advice, apps, and resources, how do you take advantage of industry advancements to best guide someone experiencing harm without inadvertently or unknowingly harming them further by the very tools you’ve recommended? How do you wade through the onslaught of options to guide them to safely arm themselves with the information they need to get the appropriate protection and be able to seek legal justice if that’s their path? Sheri Kurdakul of VictimsVoice will give you the questions to ask and the why behind them to make sure you are properly and thoroughly vetting your options so YOU can make informed decisions for the safety of those most in need of your advice and direction, and provide answers that satisfy the needs of your organization and the legal process.

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